Q&A With Andrew Hutton and Emma Finnie of PropOp

PropOp is a new Property Management and Investment company based in Edinburgh, founded by Andrew Hutton and Emma Finnie.  Read on to discover more about the new and highly service focussed business. 

Tell us more about Prop Op and how / why / when the idea to start your own business came about? 

We wish to provide an alternative option to the market, that is focused very much on providing a one point of contact, approachable and personal service.  Whilst the market is very competitive, quite often we hear of frustrations experienced in service, particularly with the larger established companies that struggle to maintain those key values.

I have worked in the property industry for almost 15 years.  I very much worked my way up from the bottom, experiencing pretty much every aspect and in recent years I occupied the role of Director of Property Management.  It was during this time that I felt the service to the landlords and tenants could and should be better.  Very often I could see how easy it was for them to become ‘lost in the system’ and not receive the service they should be getting.  Having met my business partner Emma a few years ago, it was clear we shared the same values and passion to provide a high level of service.

What makes PropOp unique? 

PropOp offer a flexible and catered service to our landlords and tenants.  We listen to our landlords and tenants and ensure we meet their requirements as best we can.  What is important to one client isn’t necessarily the same for the next and it is important we understand that to meet their expectations.  One of the recurring requests we hear is for one point of contact and this is also something that Emma and I share in terms of what we feel provides the best dependable and reassuring service.

When we launched PropOp, we vowed to use our new platform to help support good causes that we really believe in.  We also want to be seen as a company with good morals and values.  Already we have committed to donating 50% of our management fee for October to Alzheimer Scotland.

It’s early days for the PropOp but as an ambitious duo what are your aspirations for the business? 

Over the course of the year we are concentrating on building and growing our portfolio, in line with maximising high service opportunities for our clients.  Whilst we are based in Edinburgh we also manage properties in Dundee and Glasgow, so if a client has properties across these cities we can still provide them with one point of contact.

How do you see the Edinburgh property market panning out over the next few years? 

The market has been strong and competitive for many years and there is absolutely no indication that is going to change.  More people are investing in the B2L model and there are also more people renting.  The more competitive the market, the more the demand for a better service and I firmly believe that more business’s such as PropOp will enter the market to provide the more personal service delivering quick, reliable and efficient communication.

Any top tips for first-time buyers, renters or investors in Edinburgh? 

View, view and view some more! Viewing lots of different properties gives you an insight of what you like and dislike. Instructing a property sourcer can alleviate the pressures of searching the market and the time-consuming viewings. For more information, check out our sourcing service on our website. 

What’s the one thing a first-time visitor to Edinburgh should do / see and why? 

Put on your trainers a walk around the city.  There is so much to explore from the cobbled High St, local farmers markets in Stockbridge, Carlton Hill and The Meadows to name a few.  With everything on your doorstep, you will not be disappointed with what you stroll upon, including many cosy and quirky cafes never far away.

Where is your own Hidden Edinburgh and why? 

I would have to say McLaren’s on the corner in Bruntsfield.  Having grown up in nearby Montpelier Park I have often been drawn to this side of Edinburgh.  Emma and I have already been guilty of holding many business meetings at this venue.  The staff are friendly and efficient and provide good outdoor space to cater to all seasons.

Also Cammo Estate is a regular jaunt of mine.  Lots of different walks to enjoy throughout the year.

Life Motto (if you have one). 

‘Good things come to those who wait’ – I also believe that finding something you have a passion for is so important.  By working hard, you will get the rewards you deserve.

Address: 64A Cumberland Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6RE